It is so easy to judge and dismiss that which you do not understand. Most of the world believes that Indigenous Ceremony is superstition and something that has no grounding in science. To the Indigenous people of North America however, this is the Truth of their Reality. They believe it in every cell of their bodies. Mankind has moved away from the Heart of the world to the logic of the mind, and their belief is in the chemist, the physicist, and the mathematician. Science has proven to them that all this Ancient Belief in Ceremony is simply ignorance… And yet modern man has created, with its great science, which it is certain is the ultimate “truth”, a world on the brink of total destruction in less than two hundred years. Whereas Ancient man, with its Ceremonies, managed to sustain itself for millions of years. Perhaps we should consider this Ancient Wisdom, at least to understand, even with our logical mind, how it is possible that Ceremony actually can create a world in Balance. The only shadow cast here, is that of your own doubt…
All my relations / Mitakuye Oyasin.. <!> Black Eagle – Niksokowa <!>
At Nature’s Call we are happy to be able to offer you the possibility to reconnect with your Roots and guide you back to your Center. Ancien Traditions offer a wide range of Ceremonies for a strong Body and Mind purification, finding back Harmony and Balance. Drumming Circles, Praying Circles, Reconnection Ceremonies and many others can assist you to return Home at your self. Returning to the inner Source and be guided by Traditional Wisdom such as the Medicine Wheel. One of our monthly possibillities offered is the Sweatlodge or Inipi Ceremonie. It’s the traditional way of purification and connecting to our Source. In a low and total dark tent hot Stones are brought in and placed in the middle. The Sweatlodge leader pours water over the glowing Stones saying prayers and giving thanks. This Ceremony has four rounds, between each the Lodge is opened and new Stones are brought in. Every round has a special meaning. Drumming and Chanting is allowed. This is a perfect way to pay our Respect and Connect to the Elements, Ancestors, Guides, Mother Earth and All Related. Native American Indians see the Sweatlodge as a returning to the Womb of our Mother. The Ceremony is an intens purification and you’ll get out reborn. For us it’s a great honor to be your guide through this proces.
We are honored to have received already many Ceremonies and Teachings to share with you. Ancient knowledge that can help us to find our way in a new world. Reconnecting with all the Powers already inside you is an amazing Journey that brings you clear Guidance. We don’t walk this Journey alone, find a way to invite your Helpers.
All Ceremonies are available at our place or yours, individual or in group, contact us for more information.