Tools for your Journey
Most Ceremonies start with Smudging, dried herbs (White Sage, Cedar, Palo Santo, Copal…) are burned in an Abalone Shell.
Most often a Feather fan is used to direct the smoke over and around persons, places or items to cleans them.
Smudging rids your surrounding and yourself of any negativity. Ceremonies must be entered with an open Mind,
so one may be Guided by the Spirits to enter the Sacred Realm of Knowledge.
Music Instruments can enlighten your Path and help you to connect with the different stages of consciousness and Mother Earths Powers.
Juwellery can be used as a Talisman or extra invitation for certain Energies.
Specific clothing and decoration can help you to get into the right mindset.
We offer you a wide selection in our online store and even more in our real shop !